First Novel App - Beta

The First Novel App is a desktop application designed for writers who dream of being the next J.K. Rowling yet struggle to put words on the page and keep them there! Use the app to write your first draft from beginning to end by splitting your story into practical snippets. Type as little or as much as needed to advance your story. Once a snippet is saved, it can't be deleted or changed! Made a mistake? Just write another snippet. You'll never get anything done if you keep erasing everything you type :). The First Novel App gives you the freedom to silence your inner editor and realize your dream of publishing a novel!


- Windows 8+, 32/64-bit (Mac coming soon!)

- Complete a first draft from beginning to end by splitting the writing work into uneditable snippets

- Keep track of progress with a word counter

- Search the entire draft

- Updates coming soon!

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50.1 KB
512 x 512 px
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First Novel App - Beta

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